Welcome to

The Wishing Well

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In a world full of chain stores, with mass produced goods, The Wishing Well comes by like a breath of fresh air with its unique toy collection. Located on a quiet street in Uptown Whittier, the brightly painted sign of this store calls out to the child in you. A dazzling array of creative toys welcomes you, among which you may find a nostalgia-inducing stuffed toy, a set of rare collectibles and cleverly designed board games that existed before the internet took over. Pokemon decks still don the shelves at The Wishing Well, as do cutesy coloring kits.

Stephanie is kind and friendly, and might just let you jump on a pogo stick or whiz around a scooter if you ask nicely.

Thank you for visiting our site.

 Meet the

Benavidez Brenier



Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

When the world shut down during the Spring of 2020; our economy and world was hit with devastating news. Our community rallied together and helped us stay open. We felt an immense amount of love and support from everyone. We adapted and are still learning better ways to serve our community. We were featured in the LA Times and have felt a heartfelt duty to serve our community with magic through our toy store experience. Thank you Whittier and The Los Angeles Times.

Meet Wellington


This is Wellington, the magical Wishing Well mouse who is in charge of granting wishes!

If you have a wish, make sure you let Wellington know, he does his best to grant wishes daily.